
Year in Review: 教师 Achievements from 2012

As part of our Year in Review series, here are some of the noteworthy faculty accomplishments from 2012.

Year in Review: 教师 Achievements from 2012 - Hero image

We reported all year on 满帆 grads successfully working in the industry 和 getting recognized for their work, 和 many of our 满帆 educators have also spent this year working on innovative projects of their own. As part of our Year in Review series, here are some of the noteworthy faculty accomplishments from 2012.

  • In January, three 满帆 教练s (音乐制作 课程主任 杰瑞德西尔维亚 和 Writing Department 教练s 马克·珀塞尔 和 阿什利Inguanta) were part of a book project called 15奥兰多美景, a literary portrait of the city.
  • 几个 录音艺术 〇教职员 Mike Reaves, Hunter Menning, Juan Covas, 基斯躺, Chris Jay 和 比尔·汤普森 – got to vote for this year’s GRAMMY winners.
  • In March, Education 媒体 设计 & 技术 Master’s faculty members 凯西·克雷文 和 苏Bedard说 presented at SXSWedu, the education portion of the annual South by Southwest conference. Their presentation addressed the fundamentals of Challenge Based 学习ing.
  • At this year’s Florida 电影 Festival in April, 电影 教练 凯文·詹姆斯·奥尼尔 筛选他的短, 队长鳍, as part of the Florida Shorts: The Best of Brouhaha compilation. Twelve 满帆 faculty members worked on the film’s crew, including Kevin as the writer, 联合制片人, 和导演, 和 Rob Tuscani (Lighting 课程主任) as 联合制片人.
  • 今年7月, 游戏设计硕士 课程主任 苏珊黄金 was invited to the White House for the very first meeting of the “Academic Consortium on 游戏 for Impact,,由美国国务院主办.S. Office of Science 和 技术 Policy.
  • 今年8月, 游戏艺术 课程主任 杰夫·帕洛特 was able to see a long-term project completed: 复古/级, a game he had helped design since 2008, was released on the PlayStation Network.
  • 教师 和 students organized a concert 和 auction at House of Blues Orl和o in September to benefit the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Foundation. The concert was produced by Give ‘Til It Rocks, an organization founded by Entertainment 业务 Master’s 项目负责人 罗恩·库克.
  • 同样在九月, 电影 department Lab Specialist 詹姆斯Neihouse was recognized by the Giant Screen Cinema Association for his work on 梦想是活的, a 1985 IMAX film about space exploration on NASA’s Challenger shuttle.
  • 音乐 技术 Department Chair 基斯躺 appeared in local news headlines more than once this year because of his unique musical projects. 4月, the Orl和o Philharmonic performed Lay’s “Four Dimensions,” an exploratory piece blending live orchestral music 和 prerecorded electronic sounds controlled by the conductor using a Wii remote.
  • 然后到了十月, Lay - directed inSPIRE, an outdoor sound experiment that was part of the Orl和o Creative City Project.
  • 在11月, several students 和 staff members won awards at the 23rd Annual Crystal Reel 奖 put on by the Florida Motion Picture & 电视 Association, including Dubbing Stage Engineer 迈克尔Orlowski, M.P.S.E., Assistant Dubbing Stage Manager 戴夫Chmela, M.P.S.E.课程主任 科林·哈特; 和 Lab Specialist 约翰Statzell.
  • Dana Roun, 满帆’s Director of Audio 艺术s, consulted on the technical aspects of the sound 和 acoustics within Mead Garden’s new Grove Amphitheater performance space.